I am thinking about a career change...

This is mine. And I think this is basically how it works for a lot of guys; I started out wrenching, then worked for a GM dealership. Wife bitching-never could get clean or wash away the smell. So, my dumb azz quit a good job, and went into construction, with a shovel in my hand.

But, I applied myself, and in 6 years was a superintendent, then was hired by bigger companies through my life, until I was building scjools in 8 months, that cost $18k. The downside? Between mech, and construction, I am on SS disability, before I turn 62.

Like they said; wrenching never leaves. Once a gearhead, you can't walk away from it. Period. Case closed, lol.

While in construction, it ate at me, so I bought property zoned rural, with a double-wide on it, and built a shop, over the years. And bought more tools. And put my original 70 Duster in it, and then proceeded to destroy it's value, with back-halfing, roll cage, etc. But I was happy! Still am.

If you aren't happy, figure out what you really want to do- anymore takes night courses. Then apply your-self 100% to that job; $ will come.

Oh, and, keep your tools clean; you will need them for your addiction.

All the luck in the world to you.