69 cuda grille moron on ebay

Wow, why does it not surprise me that he would go post this comment on a forum. I'm working on a 69 Barracuda, the one in my profile picture. It's for a friend of mine, and I have been doing everything from the ground up. Body work, Paint work everything, and it has been pretty great! I have been to this forum before to search for some info I needed.

The set of grilles that I put on eBay, came on the car when I started working on it. The car originally belonged to a car shop teacher that was the owners teacher. He bought the car, and never did anything with it.

I removed the grilles off the car, and I plan to put the real deal on them. I posted the grilles on eBay, for my own amusement. I know that they are handmade, and not something I would ever use on a car, but I thought hey, it's eBay, someone might want them. They are perfect for the idea's you all had. Wall Art, Yard art, man cave etc. I thought about using them in my garage and installing headlights and creating something cool with them. I more listed them to see if I could sell them. Hey I was only asking $25.00 for them!

I was more mad that some idiot would have the nerve to contact me and just state your a Moron? WTF crossed my mind.

Does he go around doing this to all sellers he has a problem with! The dude can't even spell and has pretty bad eBay feedback, so that kinda answers it for me.

This by the way was my full response to him. I see he likes to edit. I told him not to contact me again!
Dear partsmonsta,

Your the MORON for contacting me. I have the right to sell whatever I want. They came in a car I'm working on, I listed them for someone who might want them, for whatever possible reason, just because I can. This is eBay, and last time I checked America, so I can sell whatever the f*** I want.

Don't contact me again.

- sean1711

Great forum you have here, not trying to beat a dead horse here with replying to this, but thought I should set the record straight. Maybe partsmonsta should know that nothing on the internet is private, and that I could easily show him to be the idiot he is.