What the....

That's the problem - what's coming to them is nothing. Adults get nothing more than a slap on the wrist for these kind of crimes, never mind what the minors get away with. Things need to change. Minors need to be less protected and more accountable when crimes of this nature are committed.

Since he's 17, he's not elegible for the death penalty, but 50+ years of being Bubba's ***** and daily beatings would work nicely. I don't think he'll get a slap on the wrist here. Supposedly, he'll be charged as an adult minus the threat of death..... from the gov't anyway. REAL justice would be restraining the little prick while all her family and friends get a few whacks with a small meat cleaver. Bringing back public "Drawn and Quartering" might make these sickos think twice before harming kids too.