72 duster Build progress

sorry for no updates guys, I haven't messed with the duster lately.

been to busy and the weather has been strange....rain and cold and then mid 70's and sun the next day. today was the last nice day were are going to have for a bit so i decided to dink around with my truck a little bit because tomorrow it drops into the low 40 (thats right....over a 30 degree drop over night.....thats MI for ya) and they are talking 30's next week.

I know this is my duster build thread but i figured I would give you guys a little reading material since I havent had anyone commenting on my thread in quite awhile.

check out the new headlights and new 'Mopar" graphics i put on my ram today......more graphics to come if I can find a day that the weather is decent enough to do them....ill post pics when i get around to doing the other graphics i have in store.