Re-upholstering seats

Automotive upholstery DIY installation videos are available on line for free, and to rent. Just conduct a search for them. I strongly recommend first timers to view several videos before picking up a tool. If you take your time, being real fussy, and not afraid to rework sections to make them look right, the job will come out real nice, and you will be very pleased. If one is in a hurry, passing off imperfections as close enough, you will be looking at those spots until car is sold, or once again reupholstered…

As you deconstruct the old upholstery and foundation components photograph each step for reference during install.

Budgeting for rebuilding or replacing old foam is a good plan, and while you are at it be sure to replace any burlap, and muslin components. If someone skips rebuilding seat foundation, the end result will be the same old sagging, flaking, uncomfortable seat you started with, now sporting a new ill-fitting cover over that old mess.