Re-upholstering seats

I also found that the seat buns needed to be modified to work well with my 1967 Cuda bucket seats. The necessary mod is made with a razor, cutting three slots in the foam, but not all the way through them. Then the pockets in the covers with the steel rods (reused from original covers) can be fitted in the new slots and hog clipped to the frame. Copy the originals if you want to retain the original look when done. Otherwise, you'll have a flat seat, unlike the originals that had a slight recess groove on three sides.

A novice can do this if you take your time and meticulously follow the old cover's installation details. The pros use steam to relax the wrinkles away. Sunlight to soften the covers will do a good job, but may not get all the wrinkles out.

Legendary covers are awesome!

I've always used hog rings to keep the originality, but zip ties would be easier and just as strong.

Make sure you use burlap (either the old originals if they are in decent shape, or new burlap if not). This helps spreads the load from the buns onto the steel spring frames and keeps deteriorated foam from filling your car with rotted foam dust.