Anyone know Holley Commander 950's? programming?

I 'bout dropped my jaw!!! Went to RadShack yesterday and they actually had an DB9 extension cable in stock!!! So my little inverter runs the PS for the old Thinkpad 600X, on the seat of the car.

It runs and drives "but not well." The plan now, is to try a little tuning, then yank it back off and send the box in for the flash upgrade (and better software.)

I'm considering a PLX wideband, 'ya know anything about them? Heck of a lot cheaper than the Holley one.

For less than the same price as the Holley ECU flash + wideband sensor/ controller (no meter)

I can get the PLX with meter and the Holley box upgrade. Also the PLX display is a multifunction deal if you want to add differnt sensor inputs later on.

Sensor / controller only:

Kit with meter: