72 money duster lol

so i bought the duster for 800 in september thought it was a 73 till i got there and found out it was a 72 with 73 gill hood bumper the guy bs'ed me alot on what was done turned out the car barely ran no exhaust and no title spent weeks finding original owner and paper work to get new title 500 on exhaust 50 on tune up 100 on two new tires around another 100 on lights speed o gauge i had to make because parts store one wouldn't fit so in mid october i got the title spent another 135 to transfer it to Washington state by selling a few parts on here THANKS GUYS!!!! and another 45 on a new starter that went out going down the rode to the store 45 on new carpet before i new the mechanical problems and a few more bucks on the 360 decals so now im at the point where i just want to drive it but if you read my post on my oil pressure problem which this was supposed to be a rebuilt motor rofl i put a new pump and pickup in it had oil pressure before blaw blaw long story basically im going to through in 20w 50 and see if it works but im a college student who cant find a job yay! economy and spent all my student loans on this damn thing love mopar but want to choke it right now lol so next quarter im going to spend more and rebuild the motor myself hate seeing it sit there though when i can come up for the money for oil ill let you all know if it fixes the pressure problem o and a few hundred on a new radiator they still ran the tiny slant 6 one
a few things i did

a few picks when i got it the dude that sold it is in the picks not me lol