Yeah but not everybody gets the chance to play, look at that Berry guy, 6 years in the minors and comes out and plays like a pro--why so long to bring him out, who else is in the minors or never got the chance.

Overpaid, heck yeah, way overpaid...25 million a year to play baseball ? and he got on base once out of like 14 times to the plate.

Young is not coming back, heck he played better then overpaid Fielder....I think they are going to regret signing Fielder for 9 years, wait till he hits 30, he be on the downhill slide fast thanks to the shape he is in, think he can't run fast today, just wait a few more years. Unless he starts getting more in shape--how heavy is he-they don''t weigh you before you play the series-too bad

Tigers season record wasn't too great, shocking they made it as far as they did but then Chicago felled apart the last 6 weeks