Hurricane Sandy

Well, we lost power at around 6:15 last night. I posted before it went out but again, we lost a huge tree in our front yard. My wife and I were sitting by a window, it came down right in front of us. Landed with a huge thud, shook the whole house. Very slight damage though, just took out the corner of a gutter on the way down and one of the branches poked a small hole in a screen but that was all. Spent half the day chopping branches and clearing stuff, my arms are killing me. Gotta get my chainsaw running.

As I said before, we really dodged a bullet. Looks like we'll be without power for several days, could be two weeks. Right now though we are lucky enough to stay at a family member's place in a part of the city that is pretty much normal. On the way in to the city, we saw several convoys of out of state utility trucks driving east on the LIE, was cool to see.

There were a ton of trees down all across our area. Seems kinda crazy when you think about it, almost all the power lines are right next to roads and thus trees. Amazing the power doesn't go out every time the wind blows.

Lower Manhattan is under water. Though the mayor took the subway out of service, there is water up to the ceilings in some stations. The surges are what really caused a lot of damage, like a tsunami. Note to self, don't buy a house right next to water.

A whole neighborhood burned down out in Breezy Point Queens. The houses were real close together, the wind swept the fire from house to house. Nothing left there, looks like a war zone. They're all firefighters that live there too.

Big clean up. To all those in harms way, hang in there.