Personal Crisis in Western NC: HELP!!!

Ok so here's what's been seriously bothering me guys.
And I'm hoping everyone reads this because it's extremely important.

All in all, I've recieved $493.84 from you guys. And while all the generosity wows me and warms my heart...

That's too much money. I don't feel right keeping all of this when we all originally agreed to put up a CASH POT FOR GAS MONEY. Maybe if the rearend was in California, ok. But in reality I spent $30 on gas. When I set up the paypal I was originally thinking there was 18 people in line with cash and $2 per person would get me what I need.

It's you guys' money, what do I do with it?

I was thinking, keep what I needed and then make a table of who gave what and how much and then redistributing the remaining funds out porportionally.

What do yall think?