Put down the deposit today on the new puppy

I'm a full time Captain with Toronto Fire (29 yrs) on a Rescue truck but I am also a member of a Rapid Response Team called Global Medic that is based here in Toronto.
We respond to areas throughout the world to provide disaster relief (floods/earthquakes/landslides/tsunami/epidemics/conflicts etc etc) including medical aid, search and rescue, provide water purification and so on. Just some of the many countries we've been include Syria, Haiti, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey, Chile, Somalia, Philippines etc etc......anywhere, anytime !
I will use this new pup as part of the K9 Unit in the search for survivors of structural collapses. These dogs prove to be invaluable for this type of work. It'll be a lot of training in the coming months, I hope my Dart understands .... lol

Very cool! Thanks for what you do, you must find that line of work incredibly rewarding.

I take it the training will be both at a special facility and and at home? I find working dogs incredibly facinating and I suppose I should've trained my rotts.... They really need a job, lol. It's out of the question now for Maxie since she broke her leg, but I do have a backpack for Merlin. I'd like to train him to pull a small cart too.

If you can, keep us updated on Eko's training, I'm really curious as to how it's done and what's involved in training a S&R dog. Movies of Eko working would be awesome too!