Lost the lighting on my dash

Wow, awesome replies guys. Thanks heaps.

Let me start my novel... Hehehe

The pics I sent were from the time I took the dash out for some restoration. During this period I replaced all bulbs for LEDs so it's all new. Needless to say, everything worked.

Today I checked the printed circuit for continuity from the pin to the two bulb sockets and it's all working fine, so the pin is not the problem. I know these can be an issue but mine are still very well stuck to the circuit.

I then proceeded to check for voltage in the brown wire that goes into the pin in question - with the light switch on and set to full brightness. The result was a big fat nothing.

However, when testing the brown wire on the other circuit (where the lights work) under the same circumstances the test light shows voltage as you would expect. So this also excludes the switch as the problem.

The only thing left is the wire itself... I checked the brown wire a bit further down from the connector and also got nothing. So this excludes the connector as the problem.

The only thing left now is the wire from the switch to the connector, about 500mm of 42-year-old insulated cable that's going to be a nightmare to troubleshoot.

So here is my question. By the looks of it, one single brown wire comes off the headlight switch and at some point gets split into two, which then feed the two circuits. So where exactly does the split happen?

I'm betting the problem will be there because I know there is voltage going through to the other circuit and as far as I can think I have excluded everything else.

Please let me know if my reasoning is correct, as I said I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to electrics.
