Anyone know Holley Commander 950's? programming?

I did a fast read of the manual. It is much different than what I expected. The use of potentiometers for settings seems odd. It seems like they wanted those adjustments for those not good with computers. Setting are often more sophisticated, and done with PC link.

Since the system does not have a MAP sensor, it is going to be very dependent on the TPS. The coolant temperature sensor also plays a good bit for the starting and warm up.

Noise may be an issue. Using resistor plugs, suppression wires is important. Wire routing of the ECU, to avoid induction from ignition primary and secondary is very important. The plug wires form a loop (from coil-dist-plug-engine), wires inside the loop (under plug wires) are induced. Keeping the ECU wiring close together (like a lamp cord) minimizes loop area by common mode suppression. I am likely preaching to the choir. However in the excitement of wiring, to go for the first try, there may be overlooked issues.

Using a scope to view injector pulse width for changes, and when problems exist may help.