SRT Ram style fiberglass hood for dusters

When I was on the hunt for my hood, I was a day late and a dollar short, actually just a day late, on the hood from US body. They never actually built them, but advertised them, I think to check interest. Of course, interest never turned up. I then spoke with AAR and other companies about building one but none had interest. Not surprising, they didn't expect there would be interest from the Mopar community. I had two other options, (1) buy a steel RAM SRT hood and graft the scoop onto a steel dart hood, or (2) take the skin from a Viper hood and graft it onto a 'glass dart hood. I guess the same could be done with 'glass RAM SRT hood to a 'glass dart hood. Okay, three options.

I took option 2 (it matches the theme)...

HOWEVER, BIG $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to do this. I had the cost of the Dart hood, the cost of the Viper hood ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) plus labor ($$$). Not for the faint of wallet. I don't know if the Viper skin would work on the Duster hood, but the RAM SRT would, and you can get those hoods all day pretty inexpensively. My recommendation, get a 'glass RAM SRT hood, a 'glass Duster hood, and make nice with a good 'glass guy. This route, you'll come in quite a bit less $$$ than I did with mine. Some of the RAM SRT hoods have vents to if you're into that kind of thing...

And, the more I learn about doing 'glass work, the more I realize I could have done it myself, gotten good results, and saved a boat load of cash.