GREEDY! CRAZY eBay prices thread, trim rings $5495, Barracuda window trim $450

I've given up on selling parts to make money for my project. I always believed I should ask a fair price and not be greedy,and instead of the part going to a hobby guy who really needs it,some greedy shmuck buys it and resells it. I hate this aspect of our hobby so much I wont sell any of my unneeded parts anymore,unless I personally know the buyer.

Granted my project is on hold while my body heals via my Dr Wahls diet,but I still wont proceed with it until I can fund it by going back to work. Even if I never get better,my parts wont be sold. They can bury my car with me and the parts too. Those greedy assholes need to get lost.And they will never get my car or parts.