74 318 crankshaft

What thermostat did you put in it? Could it possibly be stuck closed? I always check mine on the stove before they ever make it onto an engine. What about the carb? What size and any idea on the jets? Sorry for all the basic questions, but thats usually what the issue is. I'm pulling for ya to get the 410 stroker going

I put a 180 stat in it Did not test it but I sure will from now on. I did noticed the block would be hot and upper hose would be warm if not cool. So I'm guessing the stat is part of the problem . My carb is a holley 850 do 81 and 76 on the jets or 78 can't remember. I have it written in marker on the carb have to double check

Thanks guys I'm really hoping to get this thing rolling again too its killin me everyday i walk outside and see it in my driveway I have 3 Mopars and all aren't running at the moment:wack: lol