$4,000.00 paint job

$4000 for what you have decribed is in a word "cheap" Makes me ask what is the quality of work they do? Quality materials for a complete paint job will run you $1500 at a minimum. I would estimate, for a quality job, it to take 75 to 100 hours for all the work you have decribed. Even a good back yard guy will charge $50 per hour so if you do the math you get over $5000. I would strongly suggest you take a good look at some of the work this guy has done. If you are not sure what to look for, ask a friend that knows to go with you. Also ask what kind of products he is using and ask him to explain the process. Example: how many times he is going to block the car and what grit of paper he uses when blocking it straight and what grit he will finish the car in. Personally I woulld rather spend a little more $ to make sure it is done right. I really hate to see guys throw $ away. The last thing you want to do is paint it twice. I hope it works out for you.