No Replacement for Displacement (myth or fact)

It sounds like the 546 will last twice as long because of wear&tear.
I like this thread.Makes you think.

Yes I agree the larger engines are gonna be more streetable and to a certain extent more cost effective and most the time the way to go that's not really part of my argument. My point is basically going from a 340 to a 416 is not gonna make you one peak HP more (probably less cause of more friction) with no other changes the 340 22% smaller so it got to rev 22% higher the flow the same amount of fuel and air so and equally prep (same top end) 340/416 will make similar peak hp and if geared proper be equally as fast. The only time "No replacement for displacement" is true if you build to make peak HP at a certain rpm lets say 7000 than yes a 416 gonna make more power and torque than a 340 at 7000 and be faster in every way but its gonna take a lot more to make a 416 to make peak HP at 7000 than a 340. But most people seem to pick a HP level to build too, say like 450hp then everyone tells them a 416 will make that easily where 340/360 gonna take a lot more effort even though its pretty much the same parts list even for my 273, 10:1CR, RHS, 750, Air Gap, .550+lift cam.