Have 69 valiant grille but looking for standard duster grille

hey guys, so a couple of years ago I got rid of my standard duster grille from my 72 duster. And i picked up a 69 valiant grille to put in its place for a added custom touch and because its made of metal and not plastic ...so i wouldnt have to worry about cracks and busted fins.

well, I have recently been thinking it over and I think I may now be interested in switching back to the regular duster grille lol.

so...that said, I am looking for a clean 70-72 duster grill in good condition and priced right.

we could either work out a sale.....or a swap....and/or if anyone is interested in my 69 valiant grille I have now out right,feel free to contact me about it.

MAYBE if someone has a sharktooth and wants to work out a swap and cash deal we could do something like that also ...depending on how much cash we are talking of course.

if anyone has anything ,feel free to send me a PM and we can go from there. Thanks