Lost the lighting on my dash

Eureka!! Problem Solved!

So check this out.

It turns out the dash illumination power on my Brazillian Dart goes like this:

Starting at headlight switch (dimmer), to right-side circuit board (iluminates right side of the dash) - then from a pin in the right-side circuit board all the way back to the left-side circuit board (ilumintates left side of the dash).

And YES, the problem was that the pin which takes power to the left-side circuit board was loose. So points for those who blamed it on a faulty pin!

This became evident after we unwrapped the wiring harness and traced the wires, from that point on the fix was pretty easy - and by that I mean I have a friend who understands electrics! haha!

Thanks for all the help folks, this forum has truly become a great source of info for my restoration.

This is what the dash looks like now. The picture really doesn't do it justice, the LEDs look much better in real life.
