Lost the lighting on my dash

Glad you found it, I agree those LED's look great! How did you fix the loose pin?

Missed my connecting flight, ended up having to overnight in Brisbane. Found a local pub and had some dinner. Some kind of big horse racing day down here? The place was crazy!

I really do like your car, were Brazilian cars imported into Australia? Do you know of anymore like it for sale?


Hi David!

So you were in Australia during Melbourne Cup Day! The country practically stops for one of the world's most famours horse races. Fortunes are made and lost in that race, it's quite incredible. Just saw on Yahoo that some guy bet 8 cents online and made $77.000,00 out of it - not bad!!!

Anyway, I brought my Dart from Brazil (I migrated to Aus in 2007). You can find these cars in Brazil however there are not many, especially if you're looking for high quality stuff. Besides, the prices are quite high nowadays, probably because in the last 10 years the classic car market in Brazil boomed big time.

It's nonetheless worth having a look at the Brazilian Mopars, they have their own quirky things and are quite literally adored by Brazilians - everybody has a nice story about one.

The interesting thing is there were only A bodies in Brazil (other than pickups and trucks), so the Charger was a "dressed up" Dart - very interesting indeed, try googling it. They evolved through the 70's and finally ended production in (would you believe it) 1981. Now, if you can find a 1981 Magnum or Lebaron you should snatch it straight away, these are the rarest of the rare.

Well, maybe not as rare as my pre-production 1970 Dart Coupe... hehehe

Sorry for taking the thread off-topic but I'm passionate about these cars!
