Deer hunting rant

My long time hunting land is no longer available. My parents both passed and we sold the house and land. I was invited to hunt with an old friend and his family at public land they have hunted for years. It was very nice of him to offer. I take my hunting seriously. I get up very early and am in the woods quietly sitting long before shooting light. I am quiet, reasonably scent free, and i stay all day if possible. These people are so different, I don't think I will come back again. Opening day I am up but no one is in any hurry to get moving. We finally get to the woods and it is light out. I literally ran to my stand. Because I got there before everyone else, I had a buck pushed to me and I was lucky enough to drop it at 250 yards. At nine o'clock they were done. We had to go back to the house until the afternoon. Then we did't get out until an hour before sunset. Too late, and no deer. The next day I went out out early by myself because no one would get their *** in gear. I am sitting in my stand for forty five minutes and my buddy comes stomping up and asks how it's going. Well, if you didn't just walk through my area at the best time of the day scaring off every deer in the county, I might do better! Later, we are walking the woods and he spits and talks the whole time. I told him that we need to be quiet so we don't scare the deer. He just won't shut up. It's as if he expects the deer to walk out and offer themselves to him. Neither he nor his wife can physically walk far because they are so out of shape. Why hunt at all if you aren't willing to do what it takes to do it properly? I finally walked the woods alone and a long way away from everyone else and got another small buck. I did all the work and got all the deer and I get to split the meat four ways. I love to hunt but man, I need to find another place or buy my own land. Rant over.