Deer hunting rant

Dude, I feel your pain.

I hate when my buddy freaking walks right up to my stand and wants to friggin shoot the breeze because he don't have the patience to sit in his own damned stand for a couple hours.

I have had other hunters walk within 75 yards of my stand, wave at me, sit on a log and even take a crap right there all while making some ungodly sounding moose calls during deer season.
It takes a lot of patience not to go ballistic on these assclowns.

I quit hunting with my best buddy this season since refuses to not smoke in the jeep on the way to the mountain, he smokes on stand and walks up to my tree every freaking time we go out.

I don't like to talk on the way to the stand.
I don't like to talk while on stand and I don't like to talk while walking out just in case.

But he does and he has a deep low voice that carries.

I love the guy to death but like you said, it seems like they think the deer are just gonna run right up to you and present themselves.

Maybe during rut while chasing does hard, yes I have seen them walk right up to people.
They have walked right past 5 foot tall camp fires during rut.

If you get a chance, check out my hunting story from last week where my other , more hu ting conscious friend nailed two bucks and a doe all at once.
It was amazing.