Huge shout out of thanks to MIRADAMEGACAB

I just wanted to say huge thank you to Chuck for his generous offer to let me stay at his house for a few days. For those of you that don't know I'm an insurance adjuster that's been deployed to Long Island to help the folks here get back up on their feet. The housing situation is absolutely terrible it's almost impossible to find a motel. Chuck heard of my dilemma and since I had never met him it was extremely generous of him to make the offer to me. I did finally find motel space in Bridgeport Connecticut and am relying on the ferry to take me back and forth to Long Island.

It's nice to know there is still great people in the world and it doesn't surprise me at all to find them here on For A Bodies Only. In a few weeks when things calm down I'm going to make a point of meeting Chuck and buying him a cold one.