I hate deer!!!!!!!!

Today was horrible! we get home try to start the duster and nothing. After awhile i figured it out my fuel pump is shot. ok fine so we are back to driving the jeep. My girl leaves for work and no more than 5m later i get the call. Honey i hit a deer. So after tears and sobbing i get her calmed down. She is fine but the jeep, not so much. and to top it off we are broke put all the cash into the gas this morning. well the duster will be eazier to fix so its first. I dont even know how much the pump cost but the jeep needs a hood grill lights and radiator. so yay no car so no school and no work. idk maybe im dramatic but feel like repeatedly head butting a wall right now. anyway heres the jeep, i got most of the fur off and spent the last few hours tearing it apart so i would know what it needs :mumum: