1967 valiant SLOOOOOWWW build

not much of an update. I got hurt during a physical endurance test for the union. Quit one job because I had another guaranteed, except my back and sciatica had other plans....

But, I did get used tires for the car. I had to move the car from its spot so they could get their big shop truck herc (herckimer sp?) out of his spot...

Old tires

Cant tell the new ones are on though. I had to drive to every shop in town looking for 13's....finaly got 2 mismatching ones, but they hold air and allowed me to move the car:

So, no REAL progress...crappy used tires, and moved her a few feet...I had to get tires so that the car doesn't look AS bad if code enforcement wants to give me crap......once all the CRAP in my driveway that does not belong to me is OUT, I can bring her home :blob:

I did mention this was going to be a SLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW project, right?????