Deer hunting rant

I really find it hard to believe your complaining? You were invided to hunt, shoot 2 bucks? As his guest I would think you would honor his way of hunting. or you can do what I do, lease hunting land by myself. This way you call all the shoots, make all the rules, decide what is your idea to harvest or let walk. This method has made my life a whole lot easier.

I understand what you are saying, but understand that I only got my bucks because I detached myself from them and actually hunted. If I had stuck with them, I would have gotten nothing. As it is, I believe in all hunters share the spoils. So the deer that I worked hard for, cleaned and butchered, and will make into sausage gets split four ways. I have hunted in parties many times. I never felt this way before. With these folks, I feel like I am doing and paying for everything and they are reaping the spoils.

I do want to mention as well - this hunt was on public land, not private. I went to hunt with an old buddy, it just turned out less than I hoped for or would have believed.