anyone recomend descent leakdown tester?

To diagnose an internal vacuum leak (either valve guides or intake ports) plug the crankcase breather opening at idle with your hand. You should feel vacuum develop within 1-2 seconds, meaning the PCV system is functioning correctly. The idle speed should not change, if it does that confirms you have a vacuum leak(s) inside the engine (by applying vacuum to both sides of the leak you are equalizing pressures and stopping the leak). If you feel pressure build, the rings are allowing combustion pressure into the crankcase in a greater volume than the PCV can handle, which is a bad thing.

How many miles on the heads? Were the guides and valves replaced, and if so what was their clearance? If you have a leaking port, it should be fairly obvious when you remove the intake. I would do so if for no other reason than to replace the bolt (you don't have studs holding your intake to the heads, you have bolts). If you can't properly torque the intake, or it fits poorly, that could be the cause of your problem.