Hemi Road Runner takes 3 feet of salt water on Long Island

A sad sight indeed. While doing my thing adjusting losses on Long Island I arrived at an insurance house next door in the driveway was a 69 four speed Hemi Road Runner with the doors open. I spotted the owner and struck up a conversation about what happened. She stated that it was in the garage and had water up to the middle of doors. They had taken the carpet out but the seats were still bolted in. I told her and less it was immediately tended to it would be a rust bucket and six months. She said the car had been in the family since it was new and also said they really didn't have the money to do anything with it now. I told her it would be a shame to watch it deteriorate and encouraged her to please call me if they found but could not do anything more than wash it out with the hose. I sure hope she calls or else another very fine musclecar will meet its demise.