PST Polygraphite bushings

Here at PST we have built our company on the name Polygraphite. I personally started out in customer service/tech here and never received calls concerning squeaking. I would get the occasional complaint that the ride was harsh. That I can account for as the Poly is denser than rubber so you with have a stiffer ride and you will feel more of the road. We do include in all of kits a package of lube for installation. But as for the link below saying that adding graphite to poly is as about as beneficial as throwing in dirt I disagree and to say that it weakens the bond or condition of the part is false. I am not want to call some one out. But it seems that it's this companies way of promoting their poly lube as this information can only be found under the section for their lube. I am not here to stand on a soap box but I do believe that we sell quality parts and I am willing to back them. I do apologize if this does come across as a rant in advance. But on a side note if you cross section one of our bushings you can clearing see the graphite within it.
