Hemi Road Runner takes 3 feet of salt water on Long Island

Im not really sure how the above comments made you mad. The only one I could see as maybe in bad taste is the one about moving the car inland but I don't see anything wrong with that comment myself because the people knew there was a chance the storm would hit them almost a week in advance. Plenty of time to move the car. Using the excuse that the island has never been hit seems to be a little weak to me. If I was living in New Jersey and someone showed me a radar of a hurricane coming toward my state I would not be thinking.."oh, a storm has never hit here before why worry about it". I have had experience with hurricanes in Florida. I now live about 5 minutes from the Ohio River and if we are informed that a flood is coming we go down and pull the campers up to higher ground. Why cant you do that with a car.