Hemi Road Runner takes 3 feet of salt water on Long Island

Assuming the people do the wiring themselves, it costs about $1500 for the various harnesses and other electrical related items.

Dash Harness is only available through YearOne and costs about $500, engine harness is $160, Forward Lamp Harness is $176, and the rear lamp harness is $160. Then, provided the engine did not get internally swamped, you need to get the starter battery cables, plug wires, distributor, bulbs, and anything else electrical related. I only know because I just finished up doing a '69 RR from stem to stern and the owner got a bit of sticker shock from all of the expenses.

It's not cheap but a heckuva lot better than tossing out a Hemi Car! I just hope these people have the money and ability to do it before it gets too late. Bad connections caused by salt water residue can lead to increased amperage which leads to all sorts of bad things that end with the Fire Department shaking their heads around a burnt out hulk of a hemicar.