Havin' a rough day?

One day after leaving work after a back shift there was a kitten who's back end had been run over.Well we are a line of traffic and as the kitten cleared the car in front of you people were seeing it and avoiding it. There was a woman on the side of the road who was tring to rescue it.Well i missed it but two cars back didn't .Buddy I work with jeep with bigger tires flattened it out.Well the rescue woman according to the guy behind him had her hands up to the side of her face screaming like in terror. The next night when we were all at work putting the story togeather kinda funny.I also stopped as a woman was saving a racoon that had been run over she put a coat on it and grabbed it then came up to my car to see if I could open her trunk for her.The whole time this racoon is frothing at the mouth growling and everything and she is holding it next to her face ! Opened the trunk and she threw it in! and away she went ot rescue the racoon!