So... I got pulled over for a "moving violation"

last ticket i got the cop was more the fair

i was riding my dirtbike and i was in the fast lane at a light, first person there
a little import pulled up next to me and i didnt pay no mind to it
but when the light turned the inport chirped its tires and tried to get the jump on me
being the mature person that i am i had a temporary laps in judgement and gunned it through first
when i shifted into second the front end came up and it didnt come down untill i was well into 4th
at that point the import turned to the right and i let off he gas
as soon as i did the cop behind me flicked on his lights and pulled me over
needles to say, the cop was not impressed and i got quite the lecture on streetracing, not having controll over a bike when wheelying it, being able to spend the night in jail for reclous endangerment and it all ended with a 100 dollar fine for going 5 over

another 65 bucks bought an online traffic course that took care of the 2 points that came with the ticket

now, if you really want to hear a story ask me about my 500 euro ticket i got for assaulting an officer in the Netherlands (but that was a life time ago)