This lady made my day (Dear Crossing signs)

I've been know to do this with telemarketers. Back when this was a problem, I figured that if they called me when I didn't want to be called, then it was OK to tell them ANYTHING.

a while ago we moved into a new house and we got a land line (for the younger ones amongst you, there was a time before cell phones when all phones had a cord on them and they were called land lines)

in those days the phone company was allready recycling phone numbers so when we got our phone hooked up we got a number that had previously belonged to a person who didnt liek paying their bills and we got quite a few calls from collectors
the first few times i would calmly and politly explain the person they wanted didn't live here nor did i have anything to do with them
as they kept calling i got less and less calm and got into the habbit of telling whoever called that whoever they called for was passed out drunk in the backyard
didnt matter the time of day, if you called my house looking for someone who didnt live there, thats the message you got
well, one day, i think it was a saturday evening the phone rang and some guy called for some girl i didnt know without even thinking about it i told the guy she was passed out drunk in the backyard
he yelled back through the phone "YOU LET MY 14 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER DRINK?"

needless to say i quickly hung up and hoped he had dialed the wrong number, he must have cos he never called back