Wow. I feel like crap!

I quit cold turkey [i was a smoker for 40 years] it was not a planned thing i had caught the flu and normally i'll cut back or stop till my sore throat goes away. After i got better i had one drag and hated it and have not had another for a year this past nov.7. I think when the manufacturers changed to the paper or added something to the tobacco to make them go out by themselves it changed the taste for me and it wasn't enjoyable anymore,it was more of a bad habit. I'm not gonna tell you that i feel better or food tastes better i will say that my colestorall numbers improved and i don't hack up all that crap every morning. The cravings don't ever go away [if someone tells you different they are lieing] my sugesstion is when you get a craving DON'T EAT go for a walk, drink a glass of water, do something to take your mind off it if you don't fight the urges you'll never quit. I wish you both the best and it will help your wallet and your health. I quit drinking over 9 years ago,my kids dumped our collection of liquor/beer down the drain cause they were tired of my wife and i fighting all the time i don't have any cravings for that thank god. Quiting drinking and dope was not that hard, ciggerettes have been the hardest, the cravings sometimes are slight other times they are fullblown it takes every thing i can muster to keep from giving in,i just think about all the things that i have been doing to my body and i would like to be around to see my grand kids.