Wow. I feel like crap!

Don't like to blow my own horn but I quit 8 days ago. Cold turkey with the help of a book "Never Take Another Puff". I know it sounds corny but the book educated me on all the crap I was putting into my body every time I lit up. As others have said, you have to want to quit. This is the one time in your life you to be totally selfish, you have to do it for YOU! I'm not going to say its easy, after 32 yrs, it certainly is not.
In my experience I would stay away from all the stop smoking aids like the patch, gum or any other niccotene replacement. That stuff just keeps niccotene in your system and thats what you're addicted to. By taking that stuff you're just prolonging the withdrawl. You gotta go cold turkey, after 72 hrs the cravings will subside and after two weeks the niccotene will be completely out of your system. Drink lots of acidic liquid like orange and cranberry juice, these help carry niccotene from your system. Don't mean to sound preachy but thats how I'm doing it, its working so far.
Good Luck...and remember, Never take another puff.