Web attack notice

Knock on wood when you say that, I heard there are some things being written that can attack those too.

Well since I switched over a couple years ago. I don't miss what all of you are going through. I remember computer week in my office at least Once a month. Windows has run its course in my life and has cost me a whole bunch of $$ with their silly problems.
There was an interview with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs before he died. One of the digs Steve Jobs had at Bill Gates was that Itunes to a windows user was like giving Ice Water to someone in Hell.

I use to be a Hard Core Windows Supporter. Not anymore. What a waste of my life fixing all the bugs etc that goes along with it.

I do however Run Windows 7 using parallels on a partition of my MAC. No virus's, no lock ups, nothing. It runs real good on my MAC. I do this only to run a few Mortgage Software Programs and IE to run credit reports. They say IE is safer than any other browser which is a full blown lie.