Am I asking too much? 1965 Dart 270

I feel your pain Jorez,
I have a 65 Dart Charger for sale, confirmed by Mr. Andersen, CA car, original 273 4bbl motor, disk brake kit from 73 dart and A-body 8.75 to go with it, plus trim, two NOS tail light lenses, blah , blah. I started off at what I paid, $6500, nothing, went down to $5500, and included more parts, all I get is low ball offers that are actually insulting. Maybe I'm a different kind of person or just stupid, I'd feel like an a$$ offering someone else what I've been offered. Bear in mind, not all the offers were insulting just still way too low. So low that I've even considered (and I hate when guys "threaten" this) parting it out!!! I'm not desperate to sell it and too lazy to start taking parts off.

Anyway, sorry for the long post........I feel your pain.