Dante's sound deadener carpet

I installed Dante’s floor sound deadener a few years ago in my hot-rodded/6 ’67 ragtop. Dose it quiet the car down?… Good question and I can’t say it does or does not, but can’t hurt, as my exhaust is loud from high compression, the noise travels from trunk to cockpit via top well, and all the wind noise with top up drowns out most sounds coming up from floor. There is no barrier other than a bit of canvas between trunk, and cockpit in these cars. She’s a real drone-mobile at 2300-2700 rpm.
This winter I’m planning on isolating trunk from cockpit with some sort of hard barrier, adding sound deadener to wheel arches, and installing a pair of Flowmaster HP-2 mufflers in front of the existing OEM type mufflers. Hopefully this will quiet the car down enough to hear its 2.5 watt Music Master Am transistor radio when under way. LOL