wiring advice needed

OK, Heres the issues with my car. The PO had a 400 installed, and I have no idea what happened to the wiring. So much needs to be done before even thinking about getting it on the road I decided a starting place is to replace the wiring but electrical is not my strong point, no where near it honestly but calling around to a few shops and getting estimates of 1,700-2,400 is just to much for me.

I have read and read, trying to educate myself for the job at hand but never having done any electrical outside of stereos/speakers and basic things like that still a bit worried over it. The cost of painless harnesses are 7-800 depending on where its ordered and I am not real sure if that would just hook up, where I have a different motor setup, msd 6al etc.. Heres some pictures of my wiring and any advice you might have please offer it up. If the painless isnt the way to go I am open to any and all suggestions. Just feel like I am over my head on wiring yet stuff I have read say its not bad. Unsure of the hookups etc..

You can see in my pictures the goodies the PO has already done for me. Hacking everything up, cutting the wires to the blower motor, I even have phone line mixed in with it all.