Black listed

Sorry you feel this way. Just a suggestion, when you have a specific question, start a new thread, so everyone scrolling down through the day's posts will see you have a question.

I e no this. I also do not open up resto threads. Mostly just answer questions are read up on something if note that I have a lack or no knowledge of.

Might be new guy/low post syndrome,...try helpin someone out with some techie stuff, chime in with a couple responses with daily stuff,...we'll warm up,...It worked for me...

This is a very important post be ause he gives you the key to it all. Participating in regular non sensical convo'z to other builds and some tech threads will help you get known by others.

Most know my name from the last many years posting like mad (I guess it helps being bored) you'll note that is mostly answering small block tech. I'm good at it. Not great. So I try my best to answer anything I can to help anybody I can.

Your not the first to post such a thread on this very topic.

I might try that . Maybe I'm to conservative . And try not take up to much room on the forums

Please do not think space is finite here. By the time we all fill up the current servers capacity, it'll be a recycled unit for a waffle maker.
Enjoy reading the site but do so post here since that is what makes the site grow and be one a much more enriched place.

You'll find freinds here. A few good people have come to be people I call out of the blue. A couple I have met, a couple I have not.