Questions about 67 Dart Heater controls?

Yup you guessed it. Have another problem with the 67 dart. I think that whomever did the work on the heater controls and installed the heater box may have hooked up the hoses and the controls incorrectly. When the car is running and the controls are switched on to different settings the defrost and floor vents dont blow consistent with what the dash controls read. Is it possible for not only the hoses to be hooked up incorrectly but the dash controls to be hooked up incorrectly? Is there a schematic or diagram showing the functioning and direction of air flow through the box? It looks like I'm going to have to fix some ones mistakes. Oh well. Oh almost forgot. Any suggestions on connecting repro hoses to the heater box? They dont hook up like the factory ones. How should I clip them on? Any info appreciated.
