Family's 66 Dart 270 Resto has started

We have finally gotten underway with the restoration process. It was just sitting for a while due to the title not being available. But without further ado here are the pictures.

The brake master cylinder was completely rusted out and it took some beating from the impact wrench before finally giving up.

The interior isn't bad. It does have some pan rust but it isn't a big deal. We are looking for a driver's side rear and front pan though.

motor looks pretty solid other than the cooling system, carb and fuel lines.

Brakes look good in front. We had to leave the front driver's side tire on since we couldn't get the nuts off! Two of the bolts broke and the other two just spin in the drum so the wheel and drum are a mated pair haha

Most of the front is off and we are taking the quarters off pretty soon to get them blasted and cleaned up.