Stress test

I'm 44, and almost 3 years ago I had one because I was having frequent heart palpitations. I was very nervous about it, I weigh 193 and I should weigh about 165.
Anyways, they ran me on the treadmill til my heart rate was 173! I'm a smoker so needless to say I was breathing so hard I could hardly talk. They gave me the dye and took images and I was done. No blockages showed up (at least none that were 50% or more). I tend to be an anxious guy inkjunkie, so if I can do it, so can you! You'll be fine. Besides, it would be better to have a heart attack there than at home.

I remember asking the nurse "what if I have a heart attack?" She said, "did you shovel that snow we had a couple days ago?" I said, "yeah it was a *****". She said, "you would of had a heart attack then."