Ouch...sticks out like a sore thumb.

When i was 17 i was at the shop and we had a big one ton dually diesel on the drive on lift and gary was at one end letting it down and i was at the other, i saw a drop light fall under neath so i told him to stop and reached under to move it. Then he went back to letting it down and i was standing a bit to close as it came down right on my big toe. It smashed it and made the knuckle stretch apart breifley. I said "up! Up! Up! Up" and he thought i was kidding till he saw how panicked i was lol went in the office and took my shoe off and blood poured out. Nail didnt come off for a couple weeks. Dorma (a horse rancher who worked there) had some vet supplies in her truck and made me soak it in ice water then vet wrapped me up gave me two asprin and back to work i went. Just a little more hobbley hahaha oh and the boss was laughing sayin i better get back to work if i wanna make him enough money he can pay workmans comp lol