Black listed

Personally I think this site is great and as has been said sometimes we read threads and don't respond and there are lots to read.I think a site should be for people with similar intrests to get together and learn and talk and run ideas through each other. While learning, teaching, sharing ,incouraging, helping... we build relationships if only through the computer and some of us become very close you know who's input you respect and who the funny guy might be or the guys who will come help you out.I very rarely post but I read quite a bit of stuff on here it's a pretty good bunch we have here.My other car is a volvo 5spd turbo wagon (very fun car!).I go to the Volvo site and they are mostly a bunch of dickheads.As a newbie you can't ask a simple question most of the time you get slammed or ridiculed or told to look it up it's been discussed.