Seen this yet?

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In the complaint, Smith said he was in his basement when he heard a window breaking upstairs, followed by footsteps that eventually approached the basement stairwell. Smith said he fired when Brady came into view from the waist down.
After the teen fell down the stairs, Smith said he shot him in the face as he lay on the floor.
"I want him dead,"
the complaint quoted Smith telling an investigator.
Smith said he dragged Brady's body into his basement workshop, then sat down on his chair. After a few minutes, Kifer began coming down the stairs and he shot her as soon as her hips appeared, he said.
After shooting her with both the Mini 14 and the .22-caliber revolver, he dragged her next to Brady. With her still gasping for air, he fired a shot under her chin "up into the cranium," the complaint says.
"Smith described it as a good clean finishing shot,'" according to the complaint.


You actually read all this and then this is what you really think???

Sorry guys, but you just cannot do this. You can NOT execute people (which by his own admission is what he did) once they have been put down and out of the picture. IN FACT shooting an assailant who is simply uninjured but lying on the ground would probably result in your prosecution if it could be proven. This man, by his own admission, has convicted himself of murder

Shooting someone who you find at night in your home is not a crime. I would certainly do that myself. I carry a weapon everywhere I go, unless it's illegal. "Dragging a body" somewhere and finishing them off IS a crime.

I quote Minnesota law:

609.065 Justifiable taking of life.
The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor's place of abode.

Do you really think that two people, lying on the floor shot, fit the above description?

I agree.

I'm not against protecting your home, yourself or family, but this guy went too far. The two were incapacitated he did the coupe de grace thing that's
execution. Then not get a hold of the cops until the next day.

If he warned them and they kept coming which there is no mention of . That's on them.
If he didn't warn them it's on him.

There's more to this story then was in that report. It's still being investigated. Remember this is what he told the cops. He had a day to destroy evidence too.
One question that's been puzzling me is he said the girl entered the basement stair well after shots were fired. I would have gotten my butt out of there in one hurry if I heard shots. Wouldn't you. And there was no report the kids had weapons so far.

Material items can be replaced . A human life can't.