My first C-Body.......Good Times!!!

OK, story time :glasses7:

I found a for sale ad in the news paper and it was 30 miles away, so me and some friends went to look at it, ended up buying it for $375, drove it home 30 miles with no insurance, car had bias ply tires that were shot and hardly any exhaust! The car ran rough, it had a 69 AVS intake, but the guy bolted an old AFB carb on it and was held on by 2 carb bolts. I worked at a Dodge dealer at the time so I brought the car there, no way was dad gonna see this parked in the driveway yet!! I put some different rims on it with used tires, swapped a different carb on it and got the motor tuned up.

One day 2 of my friends and I went to the dealer to take it on a joyride. We went out of town a little ways and found a gravel pit someone leased to a local construction place. Well, I drove right past the No Tresspassing signs and went flying in there, raising all hell with big big block power!! Well, the property owner seen us and jumped in his car and flew in there, we seen him and went around a big dirt pile, then hauled *** outta there to the road, pedal to the floor. Well, the dude had a nice big mid 70's Lincoln so I figured he wouldn't chase us but I was dead wrong, he followed us and we both were soon going over a 100 MPH!! He wasn't letting up and we were getting close to town so I figured I better just pull over.....when I did he flew in front of me and parked so I couldn't leave. The 383 had really leaky valve cover gaskets so after the smoke had cleared from the oil burning, I seen him standing outside my window....****, I was screwd.

I rolled down my window and he chewed me a new one, cussing and swearing saying how he is gonna turn me in and get me arrested for tresspassing and driving crazy. I was scared cause I had no insurance on the car, no plates and the title was not in my name yet. After about 10 mins of being yelled at, he asked me "what is your dads name?!?" I told him dads name and he got real quiet and paused for a minute then said....."Pete, I know Pete, I used to hang out in school with him....IF I EVER SEE YOU IN MY PIT AGAIN I AM CALLING THE COPS, NOW GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!" It was funny cause he was ready to blow a gasket, then realized he must have done the same **** (maybe with my dad LOL) as a kid and gave me a break.

We both left and less than a minute later here comes a MN State so damn lucky!!!! We laughed so hard but I learned a lesson that day.....I was 19 yrs old at the time of this.....

Here is a good video and song to goalong with the story LOL

[ame=""]Mississippi Queen Video - YouTube[/ame]